Wandering Wave
Wandering Wave is an application that allows people to challenge each other to a game of calmness. In this game, each player begins on opposite sides of a screen. Each player then tries to stay as calm as they can. The calmer you stay, the more the ball will be compelled drift to your opponents' side. Eventually, the ball will cross a threshold and a winner will be proclaimed.
- Designed and developed a real-time gaming UI using web-socket architecture
- Utilized array, map, and linked-list data structures to build and maintain a leaderboard in memory
- Interfaced hardware with software, facilitating the transfer and subsequent parsing of UDP packets
- Routed traffic via React-router on the front-end, enabling a dynamic URL and scalable code separation
Wordnik With An Extra Bit
A Chrome extension that augments Wordnik
I created this chrome extension when I was studying for the GRE. I was using Wordnik to learn words when I saw an opportunity to add some extra functionality, and thought, perhaps I should share what I did with others?
- Handled minification, obfuscation, and deployment to the Chrome Web Store
- Built out directory structure and provided proper API permissions
- Crafted an inline shuffle algorithm to save space
Connects students with questions in order to facilitate a conversation, and thereby, learning
- Architected a modular, promise-based database query system with Express
- Implemented dynamic content modal rendering, using React
- Decoupled and modularized a front-end function by adjusting the client-server contract